I Dont Know What I am doing Here

I write cause i feel

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Just Something

Well i am just roasting myself in delhi with nothing to do in particular or general and well was browsing thru the big bad world of the net when i came across these two small compositions i dont know who has written them but they sure are good so enjoy...

i had promised no more senti stuff......but technically speaking i have not written them :)

Why cant we hold people we love ?

Why do people enter your life
If one day they will leave u alone in a mess,

Why do people show you the light
If they will push you into darkness,

Why do we trust people
When we know that they are lying,

Why do we fall in love
When we know we have to keep trying....

Relationships are not something
That are born in the morning and die in the evening..

But they are born when you dont need them at all,
And die, when you need them the most..

Why cant we hold on to the people we love???

Wherever I go ,

You go with me,
You lead ma path holding ma hand.

I seem to walk,
But you are my prop,
You walk with me,
Make my burdens light.

Whatever I blurt,
You make it sound right,
I hesitate no more,
You have made me bold.

To me every man,
Is mankind's guardian,
All are my darlings,

In ma phrase,
I live as I please,
With me is the bliss,
And peace outside

(hey guys people wanting to leave comments if u dont have an account here. do it in my scrap book)


At 9:50 AM, Blogger Abhi said...

nice small compositions which have greater depths of truths in dem....

well the one "why cant we hold people we love ?" was something which makes me aware of the fact dat life is nt what it seems to b....
"But they are born when you dont need them at all,
And die, when you need them the most.."

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Abhi said...

hey dont mind but i m taking this piece from ur blog for publishing it in my blog....please dont mind :)


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